Looking for Members - groups looking for members
work type:
contract work
looking for:
guild members
2d artists
3d artists
sound design
musician/ composer
graphic design
frontend dev
backend dev
shader artists
team size:
languages (spoken):
languages (code):
{"PUBLIC_ROOT":"","LOGO_URL":"/resource/media/scry2.png","MSSP_MIN_INTERVAL":60,"GSGP_MIN_INTERVAL":100,"DESC_LENGTH":1000,"FILE_LIMIT":2000000,"GIF_LIMIT":5000000,"NAME_LIMIT":100,"REVIEW_MAX":1000,"REVIEW_TITLE_MAX":100,"REPUTATION":"mana","CURRENCY":"token","stages":{"concept":"Just planning; no development in progress","prototype":"Development has begun, but everything is in flux","alpha":"The core game is playable but major features remain in flux","beta":"The game design goals have been achieved and it is now a matter of quality control and bug fixing","released":"The game is alive; it cannot be taken back, it must now find it's own way in the world"},"META_CATEGORIES":{"game":{"types":["genre","setting","mechanics","art style","language"],"color":[0.5,0,1]},"skills":{"types":["payment","stage of development","team size","I am a","compensation"],"color":[0.1,0.7,0.2]},"tech":{"types":["platform","engine","coded in","MUD engine"],"color":[1,0,0]},"default":{"types":["misc"],"color":[0.7,0.6,0.5]}},"META_CATEGORIES_USER":{"lookin fer_work":{"types":["looking for","I am a","setting","preferred settings"],"color":[0.1,0.8,0.9]},"offerin":{"types":["offering work","compensation offered"],"color":[0.1,1,0.2]},"tech":{"types":["game engines","js frameworks","web frameworks","tools","languages","editors / IDE","coffee"],"color":[1,0,0]},"default":{"types":["misc"],"color":[0.7,0.6,0.5]}},"META_CATEGORIES_LISTINGS":{"looking for":{"types":[],"color":[0.1,0.8,1]},"work type":{"types":["work type"],"color":[0.1,1,0.3]},"team info":{"types":["team size","languages (spoken)","looking for"],"color":[0.1,0.8,1]},"tech":{"types":["engines","languages (code)"],"color":[1,0.1,0.2]},"default":{"types":[],"color":[0.7,0.6,0.5]}},"META_CATEGORIES_SERV":{"all":{"types":["tags"],"color":[0.6,0.4,0.4]},"default":{"types":[],"color":[0.6,0.7,0.9]}},"CATEGORIES":{"genre":"The gameplay style / mechanics that define the game","setting":"The narrative backdrop or theme for the game","mechanics":"Various mechanics found in the game","art style":"The general art style of the game","engine":"What engine used in development, if any","payment":"What type of payment required or allowed from players","stage of development":"What stage of development - all stages welcome, even ideas!","compensation":"Types of compensation for games that are actively recruiting help","looking for":"For games / ideas in development - what type of help desired. (\"players\" is assumed)","langauge":"Spoken language(s) supported in the game"},"FORUM":{"SUBJECT_MAX":20,"CONTENT_MAX":1000},"PLAY":{"CELL_SIZE":5,"COLORS":{"dungeon":[200,150,100],"royale":[200,150,220],"agent":[150,170,150]},"BALL_HEIGHT":2,"GY":[-140,-165]},"statue_types":{"self_portrait":{"small":50,"medium":100,"large":150}},"STRIPE":{"LIVE":true,"PUBLIC_KEY":"pk_live_51MHvLnCU87GRwnVWroLGc3quQXJtObT0ZBTNvVpVaWrQKEay0qVZJoR5PVxhZTWGx09bXnT1tNmHamQzAGRMsS6z00LGPG10P8","ITEMS":{"Basic Crystal Pack":{"id":"prod_N1zYsIbt0vTOUD","description":"30 crystal per purchase","amount":30}}},"CRYSTALS":{"BANNER_BURN_DAILY":1,"REWARD_SUGGESTIONS":3},"MANA":{"START_POINTS":10,"CREATE_POINTS":10,"REVIEW_POINTS":5,"CONVERT_RATIO":3,"GAME_VOTE_COST":1},"BANNER_THRESHOLD":1,"BANNER_COUNTS":{"MUD":1,"standard":1,"SERV":0},"UPVOTE_LIMIT":3,"MAX_BANNERS":4,"crystal_icon":"/resource/media/crystal.png","mana_icon":"/resource/media/mana-flask-light.png","WAGER_INCREMENT":1,"WAGER_CARDS":{"archer":{"ranged":true,"desc":"Increase your wager for the round by X points"},"assassin":{"melee":true,"desc":"Has a (10 x X)% chance of reducing opponent to zero. If caught, assassin is reduced to zero."},"defender":{"melee":true,"desc":"Always begins higher than opponent"},"paladin":{"melee":true,"desc":"If winning, increase your wager by X. If losing, decrease wager by X"},"shepherd":{"melee":true,"desc":"Distribute 1 power to next X friendly cards"},"siren":{"ranged":true,"desc":"Increase opponent wager by X"},"dryad":{"melee":true,"desc":"Increase own wager by X plus the total number of unflipped cards"},"wanderer":{"melee":true,"desc":"Add X unflipped cards to both players"}},"mssp_keys":["players","uptime","hostname","port","codebase","created","language","family","gameplay","status","gamesystem","subgenre","adult material","multiclassing","newbie friendly","player cities","player clans","player crafting","player guilds","equipment system multiplaying","quest system","roleplaying","training system","world originality","msdp_id"],"gsgp_keys":["active_players","leaderboards","name"]}
"cache": [
"title": "Pax Republica May 2024 Update",
"lid": "7e49e0a8ad6d",
"about_project": "New Archetypes:\n\n-Nomad\n-Merchant\n\nNew Specializations:\n\n-Melee - Flail\n-Melee - Whip\n\nQuestions? Interested in joining? Drop by our Discord at https://discord.gg/p6v5ecQwAK. Or just point your favorite client to paxrepublica.net port 9999.",
"about_me": "https://grapevine.haus/games/PRM/play",
"poster": {
"handle": "Andromeda",
"slug": "Andromeda_b052",
"suffix": "png"
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"title": "Atharia",
"lid": "c7e16a95d8e6",
"about_project": " The world of Atharia is quite fantastical. It is home to four kingdoms (potentially more), meddling Gods, mythical creatures, and mortals living with a curse placed on them by a very petty God. There are many things people can opt to do such as play the political game as nobles, explore the world and find interesting things, landmarks, creatures or anything else. Amongst the mortals of the world are people who have a parent as a God, they are known as Children of Gods. Come join us on Atharia and help form the world. Should the current problems get solved, more will surely pop up.\n\nAtharia is a casual Fantasy Lords and Ladies game that utilizes the AresMUSH code system. We are also pretty casual. We have a variety of roster characters that people can choose from or make their own. At the moment there is little in the way of restrictions on the types of characters that can be made. Staff is open to discussion on theme changes and ideas with the caveat that what is suggested might not be used or it might not be exactly what was envisioned.\n\nFeel free to join us and see if it is a place that fits for you:\n\nThe website: https://atharia.net\n\nTo connect: atharia.net:2222\n\nDiscord: http://discord.atharia.net\n\nThe story lines currently going on:\n\n* People have started going missing across the kingdoms, no indication of why or who is doing it at the moment. Social rank or positions held are not considered when a person is taken.\n\n* Children of Gods, the people that have a God as one of their parents, are being found and protected while they take on herculean-like tasks, the Children are at varying stages of these tasks. You can be a new player and be a Child of Gods, you can also come in as a Child of Gods.\n\n* Kingdom Discovery, currently there is people looking to discover new kingdoms, there are 4 more to be discovered and one is in the process of being found.\n\n* Exploration, explore the world and discover ruins, mythical creatures, rare items, whatever you have an interest in.\n\n* Traitor Discovery, Currently we are working towards a traitor being discovered among the Children of Gods. He is pretending to be a Good Guy and has allies among the people of Atharia. We currently have an incentive for those who want to play his allies: https://atharia.net/forum/14/58\n\nThe current plots can be found here: https://atharia.aresmush.com/plots\n\nCurrent Staff Wants: https://atharia.net/forum/14/63\n\nFeel free to hop on our game or Discord to chat with staff if you have questions (Minerva tends to be main source) ",
"about_me": "I am the head admin for Atharia. I tend to be pretty easy going about what people do, as long as they stick to the theme of the game and share the spotlight with fellow players.",
"poster": {
"handle": "Minerva",
"slug": "Minerva_36b3",
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"title": "Pax Republica: A Star Wars MUSH",
"lid": "1dabce1d165d",
"about_project": "PAX REPUBLICA is set in the High Republic era of Star Wars, roughly 300 years before the events of Star Wars Episode IV. The Republic and the Jedi are both at the height of their power, as new systems and regions are discovered in the Outer Rim.\n\nThe Republic is expanding, and is actively seeking to forge alliances with planets in the Outer Rim, as well as scout out hyperlanes to new worlds and systems. The Jedi work diligently to maintain peace, establish Temple outposts, and keep crime caused by marauders like the Nihil on the ever expanding galactic frontier to a minimum.\n\nAnd yet, a dark power lurks. It was first unleashed on Jedha, and then on Dalna. Little is known about this monstrous being that so easily terrorizes any Force Sensitive. Not only this, but the Jedi Council has decided to keep what little is known about it a secret.\n\nWill you join the Republic in expanding its influence, or will you seek to undermine and tear it down? Or, perhaps you will be an outsider who is somewhere in between...\n\nConnect at https://grapevine.haus/games/PRM/play or point your favorite client to paxrepublica.net port 9999. \n\nQuestions? Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/p6v5ecQwAK",
"about_me": "Active, friendly staff & playerbase, with scenes every week! ",
"featured_slug": "61d127d1ac348a617ebd7a1ede032c1a",
"poster": {
"handle": "Andromeda",
"slug": "Andromeda_b052",
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"title": "Otherworld",
"lid": "002614e70f48",
"about_project": "Fictional world/craft/travel game with idle elements. The current setting is that it's a limbo between life and death. It's a browser game where every player character exists in the same shared world. Coded in php with some javascript elements. I'm open to ideas on how to make the game more engaging. Brainstormers welcome.",
"about_me": "I'm currently a solo developer. I've been working on this version of the project since March 2023.",
"poster": {
"handle": "Seko",
"slug": "Seko_9d06",
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"title": "Looking for Playtesters to Raise a Duck!",
"lid": "816808a2d539",
"about_project": "Here you can raise a duck with friends, simple as that! \r\n\r\nhttps://game-scry.online/game/quabble",
"about_me": "Hi! It's Duckkeeper Leon, offering early access to adopt a duck with your friends on our mobile app!",
"poster": {
"handle": "Duckkeeper",
"slug": "Duckkeeper_d2b2",
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"title": "Shader artist for threejs projects",
"lid": "47ea570bf175",
"about_project": "I would really like to find someone I could pay for occasional shaders. I have little interest in learning them, but I see how awesome they are. I coded some myself and felt that I still had a long way to go before I could do much creative with them.",
"about_me": "I'm a solo web dev, fullstack js, with many ongoing projects. ",
"poster": {
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"title": "Starsiege Tribes 2d",
"lid": "3561f0c7cec5",
"about_project": "Build a raw javascript (backend and frontend) of a tile-based Starsiege Tribes.. a bit like real time Worms.\n\nI can build the full stack but would like to team up to keep the motivation going. ",
"about_me": "I've spent about 10 years coding a few mountains of javascript. I'd like to make another one.",
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"title": "space sim playtesters",
"lid": "3e18d5b2ceb6",
"about_project": "https://eccentricity.online is my quirky solo dev project. It's a space sim.. mostly. I'm always looking for feedback and especially player-driven features",
"about_me": "web dev by day, web dev by night",
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"about_me": "Hi I'm a cat with a proven track record.",
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"id": 44,
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