what is GameScry
- browse for new games
- browse for old games
- find teamates
- find gigs
- promote your game
- go metaquesting
- learn how to scry (WIP)
It is aimed at indie games, but all games are welcome.
posting games
Anyone can submit a game listing - you don't need to be the owner. Listings are unique by name, case-insensitive. To edit a listing after it's posted you must be either:
- the person who just posted it (same session)
- logged in, and the listing owner (this can be transferred)
- a moderator
Anonymously-posted listings can be claimed by any logged in user.
Listing ownership can be transferred or disputed if needed.
Mana is points earned on site.
- 10 mana when you sign up.
- 10 mana for registering a game (does not have to be yours)
- 5 mana when someone upvotes a review that you leave.
You can use up to 3 mana upvoting a game.
Crystal is purchased or awarded currency, used for limited actions such as placing ads and quests.
GSGP: Game Scry Game Protocol - show live data from your game
GSGP is a standardized JSON structure which you can make available for GameScry or other sites to ping for real-time data about your game. It is intended for online games but anyone capable of creating an endpoint for it is welcome to.
After adding GSGP details to your listing here, GameScry will automatically begin pinging your GSGP endpoint for updates to display, approx every 30 min. All fields are optional except 'name'.
"name": "name of your game - optional, just for reference",
"image_url": "https://some-game.com/logo.png",
"active_players": 123,
"description": "use \n for new lines",
"leaderboards": {
"board label": {
"[player name / id]": 123,
"[player name / id]": 123
"board label": {
"[player name / id]": 123,
"[player name / id]": 123
Also - the endpoint is currently arbitrary (enter it on your game listing, GameScry will look there), but it is encouraged to use only "/gsgp" GET going forward, as other sites are beginning to look for that.
Feel free to: contact the dev or post feedback on the forums
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