Classic 6Dragons

MSSP data - last updated: Tue Oct 22 2024

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What is Classic 6dragons? Introducing Classic 6Dragons, the multi-user dungeon game that unleashes the dragons as they were meant to be: powerful, awe-inspiring, and incredibly FUN! And let me tell you, this game is so epic that even the dragons themselves would want to log in for a playdate! Now, let's talk features, because we've got 'em in spades! First off, we've got Accessibility on lock. 6 Dragons has a soundpack and settings specially designed for our visually impaired players. We believe everyone deserves a chance to conquer the dragon horde, right? But hey, maybe you're not into the whole hack and slash routine. No worries! In 6Dragons, you can be a master of trades, whether you want to wield a hammer as a blacksmith, bedazzle the world as a jeweler, whip up some mouthwatering treats as a baker, or wheel and deal as a shrewd trader. The choice is yours! Now, if you're the type who's always getting lost in the wilderness, fear not! Our brilliant landmark code makes sure you won't end up dragon chow in some dark, forested abyss. Your adventures will be smooth, exciting, and navigation-friendly. But here's where it gets really wild with Custom City Siege code! You can lead epic sieges on other cities, just like you're plotting world domination. We're talking strategic warfare and cunning tactics in a fantasy realm. Take that, boring city management games! Oh, and let's not forget the crown jewel of 6Dragons: our Custom Quest Journal. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter quests and hello to a unique questing experience. No questmaster cut-and-paste here, just pure, one of a kind adventures waiting for you to uncover. Now, don't just take my word for it, because we've got one of our players, Zaiden, to tell you what they think. Check out this rave review at and see for yourself how Classic 6Dragons is taking the gaming world by storm! So, what are you waiting for? Join the adventure, join the legacy, and become the dragon master you were always meant to be. Classic 6Dragons where dragons come to life, and your epic quest begins! port 4100
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{"PUBLIC_ROOT":"","LOGO_URL":"/resource/media/scry2.png","MSSP_MIN_INTERVAL":60,"GSGP_MIN_INTERVAL":100,"DESC_LENGTH":1000,"FILE_LIMIT":2000000,"GIF_LIMIT":5000000,"NAME_LIMIT":100,"REVIEW_MAX":1000,"REVIEW_TITLE_MAX":100,"REPUTATION":"mana","CURRENCY":"token","stages":{"concept":"Just planning; no development in progress","prototype":"Development has begun, but everything is in flux","alpha":"The core game is playable but major features remain in flux","beta":"The game design goals have been achieved and it is now a matter of quality control and bug fixing","released":"The game is alive; it cannot be taken back, it must now find it's own way in the world"},"META_CATEGORIES":{"game":{"types":["genre","setting","mechanics","art style","language"],"color":[0.5,0,1]},"skills":{"types":["payment","stage of development","team size","I am a","compensation"],"color":[0.1,0.7,0.2]},"tech":{"types":["platform","engine","coded in","MUD engine"],"color":[1,0,0]},"default":{"types":["misc"],"color":[0.7,0.6,0.5]}},"META_CATEGORIES_USER":{"lookin fer_work":{"types":["I am a","looking for","setting","preferred settings"],"color":[0.1,0.8,0.9]},"offerin":{"types":["offering work","compensation offered"],"color":[0.1,1,0.2]},"tech":{"types":["game engines","js frameworks","web frameworks","tools","languages","editors / IDE"],"color":[1,0,0]},"default":{"types":["misc"],"color":[0.7,0.6,0.5]}},"META_CATEGORIES_LISTINGS":{"looking for":{"types":[],"color":[0.1,0.8,1]},"work type":{"types":["work type"],"color":[0.1,1,0.3]},"team info":{"types":["team size","languages (spoken)","looking for"],"color":[0.1,0.8,1]},"tech":{"types":["engines","languages (code)"],"color":[1,0.1,0.2]},"default":{"types":[],"color":[0.7,0.6,0.5]}},"META_CATEGORIES_SERV":{"all":{"types":["tags"],"color":[0.6,0.4,0.4]},"default":{"types":[],"color":[0.6,0.7,0.9]}},"CATEGORIES":{"genre":"The gameplay style / mechanics that define the game","setting":"The narrative backdrop or theme for the game","mechanics":"Various mechanics found in the game","art style":"The general art style of the game","engine":"What engine used in development, if any","payment":"What type of payment required or allowed from players","stage of development":"What stage of development - all stages welcome, even ideas!","compensation":"Types of compensation for games that are actively recruiting help","looking for":"For games / ideas in development - what type of help desired. (\"players\" is assumed)","langauge":"Spoken language(s) supported in the game"},"FORUM":{"SUBJECT_MAX":20,"CONTENT_MAX":1000},"PLAY":{"CELL_SIZE":5,"COLORS":{"dungeon":[200,150,100],"royale":[200,150,220],"agent":[150,170,150]},"BALL_HEIGHT":2,"GY":[-140,-165]},"statue_types":{"self_portrait":{"small":50,"medium":100,"large":150}},"STRIPE":{"LIVE":true,"PUBLIC_KEY":"pk_live_51MHvLnCU87GRwnVWroLGc3quQXJtObT0ZBTNvVpVaWrQKEay0qVZJoR5PVxhZTWGx09bXnT1tNmHamQzAGRMsS6z00LGPG10P8","ITEMS":{"Basic Crystal Pack":{"id":"prod_N1zYsIbt0vTOUD","description":"30 crystal per purchase","amount":30}}},"CRYSTALS":{"BANNER_BURN_DAILY":1,"REWARD_SUGGESTIONS":3},"MANA":{"START_POINTS":10,"CREATE_POINTS":10,"REVIEW_POINTS":5,"CONVERT_RATIO":3,"GAME_VOTE_COST":1},"BANNER_THRESHOLD":1,"BANNER_COUNTS":{"MUD":1,"standard":1,"SERV":0},"UPVOTE_LIMIT":3,"MAX_BANNERS":4,"crystal_icon":"/resource/media/crystal.png","mana_icon":"/resource/media/mana-flask-light.png","WAGER_INCREMENT":1,"WAGER_CARDS":{"archer":{"ranged":true,"desc":"Increase your wager for the round by X points"},"assassin":{"melee":true,"desc":"Has a (10 x X)% chance of reducing opponent to zero. If caught, assassin is reduced to zero."},"defender":{"melee":true,"desc":"Always begins higher than opponent"},"paladin":{"melee":true,"desc":"If winning, increase your wager by X. If losing, decrease wager by X"},"shepherd":{"melee":true,"desc":"Distribute 1 power to next X friendly cards"},"siren":{"ranged":true,"desc":"Increase opponent wager by X"},"dryad":{"melee":true,"desc":"Increase own wager by X plus the total number of unflipped cards"},"wanderer":{"melee":true,"desc":"Add X unflipped cards to both players"}},"mssp_keys":["players","uptime","hostname","port","codebase","created","language","family","gameplay","status","gamesystem","subgenre","adult material","multiclassing","newbie friendly","player cities","player clans","player crafting","player guilds","equipment system multiplaying","quest system","roleplaying","training system","world originality","msdp_id"],"gsgp_keys":["active_players","leaderboards","name"]}
{"owner":{"uuid":"14c8fd32-03dd-4e5c-bae7-0a17bdedea07","handle":"Vladaar","slug":"Vladaar_82a1","portrait_suffix":null,"tags":[]},"game":{"uuid":"83eb3990-2d3","name":"Classic 6Dragons","contact":"","description":"What is Classic 6dragons?\nIntroducing Classic 6Dragons, the multi-user dungeon game that unleashes the dragons as they were meant to be: powerful, awe-inspiring, and incredibly FUN! And let me tell you, this game is so epic that even the dragons themselves would want to log in for a playdate! Now, let's talk features, because we've got 'em in spades! First off, we've got Accessibility on lock. 6 Dragons has a soundpack and settings specially designed for our visually impaired players. We believe everyone deserves a chance to conquer the dragon horde, right? But hey, maybe you're not into the whole hack and slash routine. No worries! In 6Dragons, you can be a master of trades, whether you want to wield a hammer as a blacksmith, bedazzle the world as a jeweler, whip up some mouthwatering treats as a baker, or wheel and deal as a shrewd trader. The choice is yours! Now, if you're the type who's always getting lost in the wilderness, fear not! Our brilliant landmark code makes sure you won't end up dragon chow in some dark, forested abyss. Your adventures will be smooth, exciting, and navigation-friendly. But here's where it gets really wild with Custom City Siege code! You can lead epic sieges on other cities, just like you're plotting world domination. We're talking strategic warfare and cunning tactics in a fantasy realm. Take that, boring city management games! Oh, and let's not forget the crown jewel of 6Dragons: our Custom Quest Journal. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter quests and hello to a unique questing experience. No questmaster cut-and-paste here, just pure, one of a kind adventures waiting for you to uncover. Now, don't just take my word for it, because we've got one of our players, Zaiden, to tell you what they think. Check out this rave review at and see for yourself how Classic 6Dragons is taking the gaming world by storm! So, what are you waiting for? Join the adventure, join the legacy, and become the dragon master you were always meant to be. Classic 6Dragons where dragons come to life, and your epic quest begins!\n\ port 4100","url":"","featured_slug":"c53adecbbe30ada41042fb3d8d6ea714","release":2008,"_public_reviews":1,"_public_feedback":1,"gsgp_endpoint":"","intro_data":"\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\u001b[1;36m\n\r\n\rClassic 6 Dragon Codebase Credits:\n\rSMAUG 1.4 written by Thoric (Derek Snider) with Altrag, Blodkai, Haus, Narn,\n\rScryn, Swordbearer, Tricops, Gorog, Rennard, Grishnakh, Fireblade and Nivek.\n\rMERC 2.1 by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn. DikuMUD by: Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, \n\rTom Madsen, Michael Seifert & Sebastian Hammer. Chronicles by Brad Ensley.\n\r\u001b[1;33m6Dragons by\u001b[1;31m Vladaar, \u001b[1;37mRemcon, Volk, \u001b[1;34mTaon and Aurin.\u001b[1;36m\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\rGreetings, \u001b[1;33mClassic 6 Dragons\u001b[1;36m game is a seeing impaired friendly game.\n\rTo learn how we support the blind within the game refer to this link \n\r\n\r\n\rEnter thy name stranger, or TYPE NEW if you're new to these realms.\n\rAll names must be medieval sounding names, you may be asked to change it.\n\r","tags":[{"category_key":4},{"category_key":99},{"category_key":3},{"category_key":116},{"category_key":29},{"category_key":70},{"category_key":181},{"category_key":94},{"category_key":101},{"category_key":17},{"category_key":121},{"category_key":122},{"category_key":123},{"category_key":124},{"category_key":125},{"category_key":87},{"category_key":163},{"category_key":139},{"category_key":193},{"category_key":196}],"points":4,"is_MUD":1,"mud_host":"","mud_port":4100,"mssp_host":"","developer":"Vladaar","stage":null,"team":null,"mssp_data":{"last_scry":1729591208448},"can_edit":false}}